55 - ANNIVERSARY of Lesław Kanik / LesCanick Multiinstrumentalist
YOU Are CORDIALLY INVITED to Concert Sat. Feb. 15-in, 8 pm; at ""VALENTINE's DAY BALL"", in Polish Nat. Home HEMPSTEAD, Peninsula Blvd; Long Island, New York !!! You Enjoy: JAZZ & Caffe Music; Hungarien-Pol. GYPSY JAZZ & Pop Music & Much, Much More ; as well as Guest Perform's: 1 Cabaret; 1 "OGINSKI" Chorus, and Other's Solist's from N.York and POLAND, & Much, Much More !!! Just After the Concert's You Are INVITED "VALENTINE's DAY BALL" Dance Music, by; Am. "Country POLKA BAND" with B.Leader Kris Karwowski; and as Guest Leslaw Kanik / Les Canick/ Multiinstr. !!! Don't Miss This EVENT's !!! EXCELLENT Atmosphere & EXCEPIONAL Music Guaranted !!! Don't Miss This EVENT's !!!
YOU Are CORDIALLY INVITED to Concert Sat. Feb. 15-in, 8 pm; at ""VALENTINE's DAY BALL"", in Polish Nat. Home HEMPSTEAD, Peninsula Blvd; Long Island, New York !!! You Enjoy: JAZZ & Caffe Music; Hungarien-Pol. GYPSY JAZZ & Pop Music & Much, Much More ; as well as Guest Perform's: 1 Cabaret; 1 "OGINSKI" Chorus, and Other's Solist's from N.York and POLAND, & Much, Much More !!! Just After the Concert's You Are INVITED "VALENTINE's DAY BALL" Dance Music, by; Am. "Country POLKA BAND" with B.Leader Kris Karwowski; and as Guest Leslaw Kanik / Les Canick/ Multiinstr. !!! Don't Miss This EVENT's !!! EXCELLENT Atmosphere & EXCEPIONAL Music Guaranted !!! Don't Miss This EVENT's !!!
"" O G Ł O S Z E N I E""
55 - ROCZNICA - Lesław Kanik / Les Canick Multiinstrumentalista
SERDECZNIE ZAPRASZAMY NA KONCERT: Sob. 15 lutego o godzinie 20.00, na
"" BAL WALENTYNKOWY "" , który się odbędzie w polskim Nat. Home HEMPSTEAD, Peninsula Blvd; Long Island, New York !!! W programie ulubione: JAZZ & Caffe Muzyka; Hungarien-Pol. Gypsy Jazz, Muzyka pop i wiele, wiele więcej, a także w wykonaniu gości: 1. Kabaret; 1 Chór "Ogińskiego" , oraz inni soliści z Nowego YORKU i Polski i wiele, wiele więcej !!! Tuż po koncercie Zapraszamy na "BAL WALENTYNKOWY", na którym do tańca zagra " COUNTRY POLKA BAND" z Band Leaderem Krisem Karwowskim, a jako Gość wystąpi Lesław Kanik / Les Canick / Multiinstr. !!! Nie przepuść tej imprezy! Doskonała i wyjątkowa atmosfera muzyczna gwarantowana! Nie przepuść tej imprezy!!!
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